10 articles Billing

Pre-signup and billing questions

Bandwidth policy

Overview The amount of Bandwidth (same as “Transfer”) is the amount of traffic that may originate and arrive on an account during a given cycle period. A cycle period is defined as 1 month. A cycle resets on the anniversary day each month. The anniversary day is the day on which the account was setup. Usage and…

International payment declined

Overview All payments are automatically recurring. Once a payment method is in the system, it is automatically billed on its anniversary date. Non-U.S. credit cards may be blocked by the issuing bank from automatically debiting on the anniversary date resulting in a failed transaction. Cause In a world of unprecedented fraud, banks, which impose zero liability…

Disabling recurring payments

Overview All payments are automatically recurring. You can switch to manual payments within the control panel by following the same steps to close your account. Payment must be remitted through the billing portal before your account anniversary date to avoid interruption. Once canceled, your payment status will be updated in the control panel within 24 hours.

Closing your account

Overview We’re not for everybody. Hosting is a humongous market with hundreds of incumbent businesses that have mutated over the years to come into this space… and there’s hundreds more thriving and dying every day. Whichever company you choose, do research carefully. Closing your account Credit card You may easily close your account within the control panel…

Refund policy

Refund policy All refund requests must be made within the control panel under Help > Trouble Tickets. Select “Billing” as your ticket subject. E-mail requests are not honored. New accounts Hosting charges are 100% refundable within 60-days from the date in which an account signs up.  This includes all monthly payments accrued over this period. Domain registrations are…