Mail sent via rejects with “Relaying Denied”

Overview Email that is sent over TCP via or the server IP address is rejected with a “521: Relaying Denied” error message. Cause All email that passes through TCP must be authenticated with a SASL-compatible username and password, which is the login/password used to access email on the server. Solution SASL authentication is necessary to…

Mail forwarded to GMail is delayed

Overview When creating a forwarded email to deliver mail to third-party providers, such as GMail and Live, mail delivery may appear spotty with some messages never arriving. Cause Certain mail providers use internal heuristics to delay or discard email. Many of these heuristics are trade secrets known only to the service provider by design to…

Migrating mail from elsewhere

Overview When migrating from a previous hosting provider or even consolidating user accounts, it may be necessary to incorporate email from elsewhere into your account. This can be achieved through a variety of ways, from easiest to most cumbersome. Migration techniques SquirrelMail Fetchmail SquirrelMail, a webmail client available within the control panel via Mail >…

Email filesystem layout

Overview This article covers the raw storage structure of email on your account. All email is stored in a Maildir format, which stores email in separate files in a directory named Mail within a user’s home directory. Sample structure Directories in bold: . ├── cur │   └──,S=1254:2, ├── dovecot-acl-list ├── dovecot.index ├── dovecot.index.cache ├── dovecot.index.log…

Sending mail from your account IP

Overview Accounts that purchase a separate IP address for SSL ($2.50/mo) may also, optionally, send outbound mail solely through that IP address. This feature is called Private SMTP Routing. Before doing so, please open a ticket within the control panel. Include which domains are sending outbound e-mail to ensure proper configuration. Only these domains specified in…

Bulk importing addresses

Overview When migrating over hosting providers, it may be necessary to add e-mail addresses en masse. Addresses can be added within the control panel. Visit Mail > Manage Mailboxes Select Add Multiple Addressses Bulk address form will slide down Enter each address to create on its own line, format follows: <email1> <forward1>, <forward2>, <forwardN>… <email2> <forward1>, <forward2>,…

Authorizing hostnames to handle e-mail

Overview A hostname, combination of optional subdomain and mandatory domain, may be configured to act as an e-mail domain, ie. receive e-mails on that host. These hostnames are added via Mail > Mail Routing. For any domain present there, the server will act as the final destination bypassing MX lookups. This will result in problems if…

E-mails sent from Django appear as webmaster@host.domain.tld

Overview E-mails sent from a Django application may use “webmaster@host.domain.tld” or another erroneous address as the From field. Cause ServerAdmin values are not set in Apache configuration for virtual hosts to prevent unintentional information leakage. Solution Set DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL and SERVER_EMAIL in your Django settings file. An example configuration follows: EMAIL_HOST=’localhost’ EMAIL_PORT=’587′ EMAIL_HOST_USER=’’ EMAIL_PASSWORD=’mysmtppassword’ DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL=EMAIL_HOST_USER SERVER_EMAIL=EMAIL_HOST_USER Replace EMAIL_HOST_USER and EMAIL_PASSWORD values with your…