12 articles Guides

Detailed discussions to follow along covering a wide variety of topics.

Scripting with Beacon

Beacon is a scripting companion to Launchpad (formerly called “apnscp”) that provides a simple interface to interacting with more than 1,850 commands exposed in Launchpad. If Launchpad can do it so can you, minus a pretty interface of course! Beacon comes preinstalled on all v5+ platforms and may also be downloaded from our github repo for use on…

Installing Express

Overview Express is a Node.js framework inspired by Sinatra for Ruby: it’s based on minimalism with a penchant for performance. Express is part of the MEAN fullstack: MongoDB, Express, Angular.js, and Node.js. MongoDB may be setup in a separate guide. Express is supported on all v6+ platforms using Passenger to manage isolated processes. Quickstart All steps are done from the terminal:…

Running Memcached

Overview Memcached is an in-memory key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data (strings, objects) from results of database calls, API calls, or page rendering. It is available on newer platforms (v6+) without any additional compilation from source. Accounts with terminal access are eligible to use Memcached. Quickstart From the terminal, run: memcached -l -p PORT where…

Running Meteor

Overview Meteor is a web framework written on top of Node.js. Meteor hooks into Passenger for seamless process launching and flexible, agile scalability. Meteor requires terminal access to use. This guide covers launching Meteor on a v6+ platform. Quickstart PREREQUISITE: follow the MongoDB tutorial to setup MongoDB. Install Meteor from the terminal: cd ~ curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh…

Installing Ghost

Overview Ghost is a gorgeous blogging platform supported on Developer+ accounts on v6+ platforms. Ghost requires terminal access to deploy and hooks into Passenger affording simple process management.   Quickstart This guide is designed to get Ghost up and running with the fewest steps. Ghost will be SQLite as a database backend, but you might…

Running MongoDB

Overview MongoDB is fast, document-oriented NoSQL server. It’s complementary to key-value cache stores like Redis or Memcached and is suitable when necessary. It is available on newer platforms (v6+) without any additional compilation from source. Accounts with terminal access are eligible to use MongoDB. Quickstart From the terminal, first create a directory to store MongoDB data: mkdir…

Running Node.js

Overview Node.js is a performant JavaScript backend built off Chrome’s JavaScript engine (v8). It’s also wicked fast. Node.js and its accompanying package management, npm, are available on newer platforms (v6+) without any additional compilation from source. Accounts with terminal access are eligible to use Node.js and npm. Running Node.js with Passenger Newer hosting servers, v6+…

Running Redis

Overview Redis is an advanced key-value cache and store, similar to memcached with better performance. It is available on newer platforms (v6+) without any additional compilation from source. Accounts with terminal access are eligible to use Redis. Quickstart From the terminal, run: redis-server –bind –port PORT where PORT is a preassigned port to the account.…

Mail filtering

Overview Message filtering is done prior to delivery via maildrop. Each message goes through two levels of filters: (1) global — processed first in /etc/maildroprc followed by (2) local per-user filters in $HOME/.mailfilter. Basic filtering recipes are provided below. Syntax and usage may be found in mailfilter(7). Important: on older platforms, (less than v6), remember to…