9 articles Terminal Access

All about terminal (“shell”) access to the server.

Setting a task to run at startup

Overview Services or scripts may be set to run upon server start within the control panel or via crontab(5) from the terminal. Either solution requires task scheduling support, which is found on Developer+ packages. Within the control panel Visit Dev > Task Scheduler to add a new routinely scheduled task. Command syntax follows the same as a…

Elevating privileges with sudo

Overview Newer platforms, v6+, provide limited sudo support that allows you to remove, copy, and change ownership of files with elevated permissions (root). Depending upon the platform version, either  rm (v6) or rm, cp, and chown (v6.5+) commands are available. Usage sudo follows a general syntax: sudo command arguments. Certain commands have restrictions on what arguments…

Listening on ports

Overview Some applications require persistence to continue to run after a page view has concluded. Node.js or other backend socket/server pairs connect a front-end process, like a web page view, with a backend process such as data crunching. For such circumstances, clients with Developer+ packages may run daemons necessary for their web site to operate – please no…

Compiling programs

Overview Custom programs may be compiled on Developer+ accounts, which is also bundled with terminal access. Custom programs may be installed under /usr/local. Per-Language C/C++ For C/C++ applications, supplying a –prefix=/usr/local during ./configure, i.e. ./configure –prefix=/usr/local && make && make install. In particular, this is negotiated not by C itself, but rather make/gmake and autoconf applications that are used in…

Accessing terminal

Overview Your terminal is a command-line interface to your hosting account on the server. It provides a quick, efficient means to make permission changes, edit files, and even run services like MongoDB and node.js. Terminal access is provided with certain qualified packages. Logging In Terminal access follows general login guidelines: Login consists of <username>@<domain> Alternatively, <username>#<domain> is…

Is terminal access available?

Overview Yes, terminal access is included depending upon the hosting package. Baseline Essential packages (formerly called “Minimalist”) prior to June 22, 2016 do not include terminal access. Essential packages on or after June 22, 2016, Developer (formerly “Basic”) and higher packages do include terminal access over SSH. This may also be viewed within the control…