Setting a task to run at startup

Overview Services or scripts may be set to run upon server start within the control panel or via crontab(5) from the terminal. Either solution requires task scheduling support, which is found on Developer+ packages. Within the control panel Visit Dev > Task Scheduler to add a new routinely scheduled task. Command syntax follows the same as a…

Running Node.js

Overview Node.js is a performant JavaScript backend built off Chrome’s JavaScript engine (v8). It’s also wicked fast. Node.js and its accompanying package management, npm, are available on newer platforms (v6+) without any additional compilation from source. Accounts with terminal access are eligible to use Node.js and npm. Running Node.js with Passenger Newer hosting servers, v6+…

Running Redis

Overview Redis is an advanced key-value cache and store, similar to memcached with better performance. It is available on newer platforms (v6+) without any additional compilation from source. Accounts with terminal access are eligible to use Redis. Quickstart From the terminal, run: redis-server –bind –port PORT where PORT is a preassigned port to the account.…

Compiling programs

Overview Custom programs may be compiled on Developer+ accounts, which is also bundled with terminal access. Custom programs may be installed under /usr/local. Per-Language C/C++ For C/C++ applications, supplying a –prefix=/usr/local during ./configure, i.e. ./configure –prefix=/usr/local && make && make install. In particular, this is negotiated not by C itself, but rather make/gmake and autoconf applications that are used in…